
Our Vision

That all residents, regardless of gender, age, background, culture, health or ability have access to the services and supports they require to participate and feel valued in the economic, social and cultural life of the South Burnett and surrounding communities to the full extent of their capacity and desires.

Our Mission

Proactively and reactively, alone or in collaboration with appropriate others:

  • Establish and deliver services in accordance with our vision.
  • Identify gaps in the access to and quantity and quality of services, facilities and supports in the South Burnett and engage in collaborative research of the means to address these gaps.
  • Advocate for appropriate government, non-government or corporate service provision. Source funding to provide required services.
  • Engage in appropriate business activities to raise revenue to fund worthwhile community activities and ensure the organisations future sustainability.
  • Work with stakeholders to build capacity to realise our vision.
  • Enter any relevant activities that further our objects in a manner that recognises and respects the rights and responsibilities of all people and the need to address issues on a broad front, while focusing particularly on the needs of disadvantaged and/or marginalized members of our communities.
  • Deliver services and programs that make a genuine difference.

Our Values

CTC is committed to our community, our staff and our organisation. Our values and actions reflect this commitment and include:

Commitment to our Community

  • Providing services that are client focused
  • Building the capacity of our community to grow and prosper
  • Assisting and encouraging the empowerment of others in our community
  • Collaborating and cooperating with all stakeholders
  • Treating people with respect and dignity
  • Advocating for those in need

Commitment to our Staff

  • Employing people who live in and care for our community
  • Inclusivity and diversity
  • Encouraging and promoting the physical and psychosocial health and well-being of our staff
  • Supporting the professional and personal development of our staff

Commitment to our Organisation

  • Fostering an organisation that is democratic, professional, egalitarian and sustainable
  • Managing our business with honesty and transparency
  • Communicating effectively with internal and external stakeholders
  • Meets legislative requirements