Interviews for Social Housing

23rd February 2012

The Maryborough Housing Service Centre is now commencing interviews in the South Burnett for clients wishing to apply for Social Housing. These interviews will take place on Tuesday 28 February 2012 in two locations:
CTC Employment Services        
76 Lamb Street, Murgon 
Kingaroy Child Safety Office
180-182 Haly Street, Kingaroy

Due to limited resources within the Housing Service Centre and to be more efficient in the way these interviews are conducted please complete the attached Social Housing Application Form and bring it along to the interview. An officer will go through the completed application with the client to ensure all relevant information has been obtained and provide details of what evidence is required for the application as well as certify copies of identification.
To request an interview:
Please email your name and phone number to Emma Jacobson or phone (07) 4121 1918.