Youth Support Coordinators (YSCs)

The Youth Support Coordinator Initiative program (YSC) is an early intervention program funded by the Queensland Department of Education and Training.

The role of the Youth Support Coordinator is to support students in Years 10 to 12 who are at risk of disengaging, to support retention and attainment in education and training.  This may include:

  • Assisting young people at risk of not completing their Senior Phase of Learning;
  • Assisting young people and their families to address issues contributing to such risks;
  • Supporting young people to develop social and personal skills for successful community living;
  • Referring at-risk students to appropriate agencies and support services that will assist students to overcome barriers to education and training;
  • Providing individual support or delivering group programs to support students to maximise their engagement with education and training.

CTC Youth Services is currently funded to deliver YSC services to Kingaroy and Nanango State High Schools.

Key Contact

Lloyd Back

Contact Us

Contact us on (07) 4162 7788 for more information or complete our referral form.


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